Discover top movers, get ahead on companies reporting earnings or paying out dividends, and stay informed on important economic events.
Macro calendar: Have you ever had a trade go wrong because you didn't know the Fed was speaking that afternoon? With the new Macro Calendar, it's easy to keep track of upcoming economic events. We show you the date, time, and importance of each U.S. economic event, so that you can be more prepared for what happens next.
Uncover the largest trades: We scan time and sales data so you can see which trades stand out – a helpful piece of information when developing an investment thesis. For example, many long calls on a particular stock might indicate a bullish sentiment. In addition to the strategy and contract size, you can also find the trade amount (in dollars), theoretical edge (compared to our theoretical price), and the contracts / avg. option volume 20d (to see the relative size of the position). You can sort on all of these metrics.
View market-wide reports: Get informative visuals for a variety of market-wide reports. Click on any of the tickers and the Dashboard takes you to see more detail related to your request. In the top movers report, you can find the top 50 stocks with high movement, sized by absolute percent change, and colored green or red if the stock is up or down today. This is available during the pre-market, intraday, and post-market.