Near End-of-day

Historical Options Data Since 2007

A complete snapshot of the US equity options market 14 minutes before the close of trading each day. Over 5,000 symbols included.

Please visit ORATS University if you want a complete sample of data.
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Trade with confidence knowing our data is held to the highest industry standards for accuracy and completeness.
Precise quotes
Quotes are taken 14 minutes before the close to avoid deterioration.
15+ years of history
Historical options data for over 5,000 symbols going back to 2007.
Unmatched quality
Get accurate greeks and volatilities powered by our SMV system.
Easy to access
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Study accurate Greeks and volatilities
Learn how we developed a proprietary smoothed market values (SMV) system to deliver you the most accurate Greeks and theoretical values.
Cleaning the quotes
We clean and normalize the quotes using put-call parity, dividend assumptions, and the residual yield rate.
Accurate Greeks
The smoothed implied volatilites produce more consistent Greeks by which to manage risk.
Fixing low liquidity
We incorporate historical information when the confidence in the market summarization is low.
Solving wide spreads
Our treatment of low delta OTM options produces more realistic IVs.
Field Definitions
The underlying symbol that represents the stock or index on which the option is based.
The current price of the underlying stock. For indexes, this is the solved implied futures price for each expiration.
The date on which the option expires
The number of years remaining until the option's expiration date.
The price at which the option can be exercised.
The total number of call option contracts traded on a particular day total at the time observed.
The total number of outstanding call option contracts updated by OCC the night before.
The total number of put option contracts traded on a particular day total at the time observed.
The total number of outstanding put option contracts updated by OCC the night before.
The NBBO price at which a market maker is willing to buy a call option.
The theoretical value of a call option based on a smooth volatility assumption.
The NBBO price at which a market maker is willing to sell a call option.
The NBBO price at which a market maker is willing to buy a put option.
The theoretical value of a put option based on a smooth volatility assumption.
The NBBO price at which a market maker is willing to sell a put option.
The implied volatility of a call option at the current NBBO bid price.
The implied volatility of a call option at the current NBBO ask price.
The smoothed implied volatility of an option based on the ORATS model.
The implied volatility of a put option at the current NBBO bid price.
The implied volatility of a put option at the midpoint of the current NBBO bid and ask prices.
The implied volatility of a put option at the current NBBO ask price.
The continuous interest (risk-free) rate.
The continuous dividend yield of discrete dividend's NPV.
The implied interest rate that is derived from the option pricing model.
The theoretical increase in an option's price due to a one dollar increase in the underlying price.
The rate of change of an option's delta with respect to a one dollar increase in the price of the underlying asset.
The rate of time decay of an option's value for one day.
The sensitivity of an option's price to a one percent rise in the implied volatility of the option.
The sensitivity of an option's price to a one percent increase in interest rates for the option.
A measure of the convexity of an option's price with respect to changes in the price of the underlying asset.
The rate of time decay of an option's value as the expiration date approaches, without taking into account the drift in the price of the underlying asset.
The external implied volatility of the underlying asset, as provided by an external data source. The external data source is from the ORATS forecast volatility.
The external theoretical value of a call option, as provided by an external data source.
The external theoretical value of a put option, as provided by an external data source.
The current market price of the underlying asset. For indexes this is the cash price.
The date on which the option was traded.
Historical Data Pricing
Clean, accurate, and easy to use historical data for your options research.

Near End-of-day

A complete snapshot of the US equity options market 14 minutes before the close of trading each day. Over 5,000 symbols included.

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Theoretical Values

Implied Volatilities

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1 Minute Intraday

Full SMV greeks, theoretical values, and IVs for every minute during the trading day of all US equity options. Over 5,000 symbols included.

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Theoretical Values

Implied Volatilities

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2 Minute Snapshot

Raw options market information snapped with underlying prices every two minutes during the day. Over 5,000 symbols included.

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Underlying Stock Data

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~9TB of data

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Interactive Brokers is not affiliated with Option Research & Technology Services, LLC and does not endorse or recommend any information or advice provided by Option Research & Technology Services, LLC.