Make smarter trades with our integrated platform of advanced options tools. Plus, connect to your favorite broker to send trades seamlessly through ORATS.
Options backtester: Browse over 180 million options backtests or create your own custom backtests with our flagship product. With historical data going back to 2007 for over 5,000 stocks, you can test your strategies with confidence. Each of our backtests comes equipped with a graph of returns, 37 different performance metrics, a table of monthly returns, and a detailed trade log.
Scan for stocks and options: Our scanners work with each other to give you a complete picture of the market. For example, you can scan for stocks that are reporting earnings this week and then scan for straddles on those stocks. Utilize the power of hundreds of proprietary indicators plus multiple theoretical values to find the perfect trade.
Send orders through your broker: We currently support Interactive Brokers, TradeStation, and Tradier with more brokerages in the works. You can send orders directly from the ORATS platform and manage them in your Positions tab. We also support paper trading accounts for testing your strategies.