Scan over 5,000 stocks and ETFs using 700+ proprietary option indicators plus 22 new fundamental indicators.
700+ Indicators: From common indicators like earnings, stock volume, and implied volatility, to fundamental indicators like PE ratio and market cap, to option indicators like contango and slope, there's an indicator for everybody! Plus, add custom ratios of indicators to create a truly one-of-a-kind scan.
Components: Components help you compare a single stock to all of the stocks in the same SPDR sector ETF. ORATS has over 30 unique symbols that are appended by _C. These have data points just like any other symbol, except they are calculated using the weighted average of the ETFs components. For example, XLK is the SPDR technology sector ETF. We look at all of its components and calculate a weighted average for each indicator. The results are placed into a new symbol called XLK_C. Components can be used as ratios when building custom indicators.
Pre-canned scans: We have included several popular scans than can be quickly accessed: Hard-To-Borrow, Low IV30d, High IV30d, Earnings This Week, Put-Call Skew Rich, Put-Call Skew Cheap, Unusual Put Volume, Unusual Call Volume. We are constantly adding more!