Data API
Wednesday, July 5th 2023
How to Explore Endpoints in the API Console
Learn how to use the ORATS API Console to find your API token and explore the different endpoints.
The ORATS Intraday Data API provides one-minute options data while the Data API offers end-of-day options data. Both APIs have live and delayed endpoints, with the former requiring a live subscription and an active Tradier account. To explore endpoints, click the "Test" button adjacent to the selected endpoint and use the sidebar to input parameters. The API console also shows users how to access official documentation and narrow down returned data by specifying fields.
ORATS offers two powerful APIs, both REST-based: the Intraday Data API and the regular Data API.
The Intraday Data API provides one-minute options data, featuring historical options chain data dating back to August 2020, and option OPRA information available from January 2022. The Data API offers end-of-day options data, with the ability to query historical data as far back as 2007.
If you're an API subscriber, you'll find your API token at the top of the API Console. For non-subscribers, a demo token is available for use within the API console webpage. Remember, the demo token won't work outside this environment - to test endpoints beyond the console, you'll need to purchase an actual API token.
Both APIs feature live and delayed endpoints. Here's how they differ:
- Delayed data, accessible to all API subscribers, comes with a 15-minute delay.
- Live data, exclusive to those with a live subscription and an active Tradier account, offers real-time calculations with less than 10 seconds of market delay. It also includes access to historical data less than 15 minutes old.
While most functionalities are similar, the live and delayed endpoints will behave differently when the tradeDate parameter is set to the current day.
Let's start experimenting with the Intraday Data API. To test an endpoint, click the "Test" button adjacent to your selected endpoint. This action will open a sidebar auto-filled with example parameters, including your token.

The only required parameter here is the ticker field. The request section presents example code in various languages, including Python. Clicking the response button executes the query and presents the output, typically in CSV or JSON format, depending on the endpoint used.
Further, you can explore multiple endpoints via the dropdown list, such as the option by OPRA endpoint. This endpoint allows you to query any standard option (formatted as the ticker + expiration + strike) for any date back to January 2022.
Next, let's explore the regular Data API. This API has an extensive list of endpoints. One commonly used endpoint is Core Data, which fetches hundreds of proprietary indicators for the specified symbol.

You can narrow down the returned data by specifying fields. On clicking the input, a list of all indicators appears, allowing you to choose the information you wish to retrieve. For instance, you might only want to get the tradeDate and slope - the API will return only the fields specified.
For those who wish to delve deeper, you can access the official documentation by clicking the "Docs" button next to the "Test" button. This opens a new tab featuring detailed documentation for that specific endpoint.
This concludes our walkthrough of the API Console. We hope this guide empowers you to navigate and utilize the ORATS APIs and endpoints to your advantage. Should you have any questions, feel free to email us at
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Day trading, short term trading, options trading, and futures trading are extremely risky undertakings. They generally are not appropriate for someone with limited capital, little or no trading experience, and/ or a low tolerance for risk. Never execute a trade unless you can afford to and are prepared to lose your entire investment. In addition, certain trades may result in a loss greater than your entire investment. Always perform your own due diligence and, as appropriate, make informed decisions with the help of a licensed financial professional.
Commissions, fees and other costs associated with investing or trading may vary from broker to broker. All investors and traders are advised to speak with their stock broker or investment adviser about these costs. Be aware that certain trades that may be profitable for some may not be profitable for others, after taking into account these costs. In certain markets, investors and traders may not always be able to buy or sell a position at the price discussed, and consequently not be able to take advantage of certain trades discussed herein.
Be sure to read the OCCs Characteristics and Risks of Standardized Options to learn more about options trading.
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