Historical Data API
Get historical end-of-day options data back to 2007 augmented with hundreds of proprietary indicators.
- Name
- Description
Strikes History
Retrieves end of day strikes data.
Required attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The ticker to retrieve (multiple tickers should be comma delimited - max of 10 allowed). Ex: AAPL,TSLA
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The trade date to retrieve
Optional attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The fields to retrieve. Ex: tradeDate,expirDate,strike
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
Filter by DTE range. Ex: 30,45
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
Filter by delta range. Ex: .30,.45
curl -L "https://api.orats.io/datav2/hist/strikes?token=my-token&ticker=AAPL&tradeDate=2017-08-28"
"data": [
"ticker": "AAPL",
"tradeDate": "2017-08-28",
"expirDate": "2017-09-01",
"dte": 5,
"strike": 95,
"stockPrice": 161.3827,
"callVolume": 1,
"callOpenInterest": 0,
"callBidSize": 30,
"callAskSize": 2,
"putVolume": 1,
"putOpenInterest": 1,
"putBidSize": 0,
"putAskSize": 16,
"callBidPrice": 66.35,
"callValue": 66.41551094836527,
"callAskPrice": 66.45,
"putBidPrice": 0,
"putValue": 0,
"putAskPrice": 0.01,
"callBidIv": 0,
"callMidIv": 1.9435290391604259,
"callAskIv": 1.9435290391604259,
"smvVol": 0.29255660522135446,
"putBidIv": 0,
"putMidIv": 1.7233550807894313,
"putAskIv": 1.7233550807894313,
"residualRate": -0.0215447947190231,
"delta": 1.0000000000000133,
"gamma": 4.021433382502273e-14,
"theta": -0.008181463093526515,
"vega": 2.420462435939163e-13,
"rho": 0.010432658772747985,
"phi": -0.017728751942058807,
"driftlessTheta": -2.8188520395807645e-8,
"extSmvVol": 0.30678671652162315,
"extCallValue": 66.41551094836588,
"extPutValue": 0,
"spotPrice": 161.3827,
"updatedAt": "2017-08-28T19:46:00Z"
Strikes History by OPRA
Retrieves end of day strikes history data by ticker, tradeDate, expiry, and strike.
Required attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The ticker to retrieve. Ex: AAPL
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The expire date to retrieve. Ex: 2022-01-21
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The strike price to retrieve. Ex: 280
Optional attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The trade date to retrieve. Ex: 2019-12-20
curl -L "https://api.orats.io/datav2/hist/strikes/options?token=my-token&ticker=AAPL&expirDate=2022-01-21&strike=280"
"data": [
"ticker": "AAPL",
"tradeDate": "2019-09-16",
"expirDate": "2022-01-21",
"dte": 859,
"strike": 280,
"stockPrice": 219.89,
"callVolume": 0,
"callOpenInterest": 0,
"callBidSize": 520,
"callAskSize": 459,
"putVolume": 0,
"putOpenInterest": 0,
"putBidSize": 290,
"putAskSize": 305,
"callBidPrice": 13.15,
"callValue": 15.51,
"callAskPrice": 17.7,
"putBidPrice": 69.5,
"putValue": 71.92,
"putAskPrice": 74,
"callBidIv": 0.231313,
"callMidIv": 0.250226,
"callAskIv": 0.269139,
"smvVol": 0.251085,
"putBidIv": 0.230121,
"putMidIv": 0.2494,
"putAskIv": 0.268678,
"residualRate": -0.002482,
"delta": 0.33319,
"gamma": 0.00423848,
"theta": -0.0179752,
"vega": 1.19013,
"rho": 1.29789,
"phi": -1.62317,
"driftlessTheta": -0.017109,
"extSmvVol": 0.251497,
"extCallValue": 15.5592,
"extPutValue": 71.9679,
"spotPrice": 219.89,
"updatedAt": "2019-09-22T12:25:43Z"
Implied Monies History
Retrieves end of day monthly implied monies history data.
Required attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The ticker to retrieve (multiple tickers should be comma delimited - max of 10 allowed). Ex: AAPL,TSLA
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The trade date to retrieve
Optional attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The fields to retrieve. Ex: tradeDate,expirDate,calVol
curl -L "https://api.orats.io/datav2/hist/monies/implied?token=my-token&ticker=AAPL&tradeDate=2019-11-29"
"data": [
"ticker": "AAPL",
"tradeDate": "2019-11-29",
"expirDate": "2020-07-17",
"stockPrice": 267.65,
"riskFreeRate": 0.016,
"yieldRate": 0.00930403,
"residualYieldRate": -0.00262572,
"residualRateSlp": -0.00086345,
"residualR2": 0.00001021,
"confidence": 0.98959948,
"mwVol": 0.00301035,
"vol100": 0.412641,
"vol95": 0.351561,
"vol90": 0.31641,
"vol85": 0.291727,
"vol80": 0.273611,
"vol75": 0.260189,
"vol70": 0.250415,
"vol65": 0.243444,
"vol60": 0.23873,
"vol55": 0.23582,
"vol50": 0.234329,
"vol45": 0.233909,
"vol40": 0.234226,
"vol35": 0.23494,
"vol30": 0.235676,
"vol25": 0.236002,
"vol20": 0.235339,
"vol15": 0.232937,
"vol10": 0.227614,
"vol5": 0.217252,
"vol0": 0.207645,
"typeFlag": 0,
"atmiv": 0.242681,
"slope": 3.0936925598,
"deriv": 0.0754675374,
"fit": 0.0000239965,
"spotPrice": 267.65,
"calVol": 0.24326,
"unadjVol": 0.217315,
"earnEffect": 0.025945,
"quoteDate": "2019-11-29T17:46:01Z",
"updatedAt": "2019-11-29T17:46:01Z"
Forecast Monies History
Retrieves end of day monthly forecast monies history data.
Required attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The ticker to retrieve (multiple tickers should be comma delimited - max of 10 allowed). Ex: AAPL,TSLA
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The trade date to retrieve
Optional attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The fields to retrieve. Ex: tradeDate,expirDate,calVol
curl -L "https://api.orats.io/datav2/hist/monies/forecast?token=my-token&ticker=AAPL&tradeDate=2019-11-29"
"data": [
"ticker": "AAPL",
"tradeDate": "2019-11-29",
"expirDate": "2020-04-17",
"stockPrice": 267.65,
"riskFreeRate": 0.0163,
"vol100": 0.371587,
"vol95": 0.327694,
"vol90": 0.30461,
"vol85": 0.288032,
"vol80": 0.272282,
"vol75": 0.264817,
"vol70": 0.258009,
"vol65": 0.251857,
"vol60": 0.246363,
"vol55": 0.241525,
"vol50": 0.237343,
"vol45": 0.233819,
"vol40": 0.230951,
"vol35": 0.22874,
"vol30": 0.227186,
"vol25": 0.226289,
"vol20": 0.226048,
"vol15": 0.226464,
"vol10": 0.227537,
"vol5": 0.229267,
"vol0": 0.231653,
"quoteDate": "2019-11-29T17:46:01Z",
"updatedAt": "2019-11-29T17:46:01Z"
Summaries History
Retrieves end of day SMV summary history data.
Required attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The ticker to retrieve (multiple tickers should be comma delimited - max of 10 allowed). Optional if tradeDate is set. Ex: AAPL,TSLA
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The trade date to retrieve. Optional if ticker is set. Ex: 2019-11-29
Optional attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The fields to retrieve. Ex: tradeDate,exErnIv30d,impliedEarningsMove
curl -L "https://api.orats.io/datav2/hist/summaries?token=my-token&ticker=AAPL&tradeDate=2019-11-29"
"data": [
"ticker": "AAPL",
"tradeDate": "2019-11-29",
"stockPrice": 267.65,
"annActDiv": 3.18088,
"annIdiv": 2.16866,
"borrow30": 0.0130476,
"borrow2y": 0.0130526,
"confidence": 0.982672,
"exErnIv10d": 0.17302,
"exErnIv20d": 0.191041,
"exErnIv30d": 0.189777,
"exErnIv60d": 0.203197,
"exErnIv90d": 0.207576,
"exErnIv6m": 0.225346,
"exErnIv1y": 0.219686,
"ieeEarnEffect": 3.90671,
"impliedMove": 0.0699168,
"impliedNextDiv": 0.469247,
"iv10d": 0.17302,
"iv20d": 0.191041,
"iv30d": 0.189777,
"iv60d": 0.213359,
"iv90d": 0.23856,
"iv6m": 0.251482,
"iv1y": 0.250053,
"mwAdj30": 0.00263453,
"mwAdj2y": 0.0058333,
"nextDiv": 0.77,
"rDrv30": 0.140255,
"rDrv2y": 0.0797137,
"rSlp30": 3.0127,
"rSlp2y": 3.21896,
"rVol30": 0.198798,
"rVol2y": 0.231888,
"rip": 3.16261,
"riskFree30": 0.0160534,
"riskFree2y": 0.0161099,
"skewing": 0.00991347,
"contango": 0.5484344903379679,
"totalErrorConf": 0.0000520262,
"dlt5Iv10d": 0.179133,
"dlt5Iv20d": 0.191745,
"dlt5Iv30d": 0.191127,
"dlt5Iv60d": 0.210039,
"dlt5Iv90d": 0.227116,
"dlt5Iv6m": 0.219043,
"dlt5Iv1y": 0.22659,
"exErnDlt5Iv10d": 0.179133,
"exErnDlt5Iv20d": 0.191745,
"exErnDlt5Iv30d": 0.191127,
"exErnDlt5Iv60d": 0.199877,
"exErnDlt5Iv90d": 0.196132,
"exErnDlt5Iv6m": 0.192907,
"exErnDlt5Iv1y": 0.196222,
"dlt25Iv10d": 0.170224,
"dlt25Iv20d": 0.185283,
"dlt25Iv30d": 0.183904,
"dlt25Iv60d": 0.204507,
"dlt25Iv90d": 0.225666,
"dlt25Iv6m": 0.241827,
"dlt25Iv1y": 0.237379,
"exErnDlt25Iv10d": 0.170224,
"exErnDlt25Iv20d": 0.185283,
"exErnDlt25Iv30d": 0.183904,
"exErnDlt25Iv60d": 0.194345,
"exErnDlt25Iv90d": 0.194682,
"exErnDlt25Iv6m": 0.215691,
"exErnDlt25Iv1y": 0.207012,
"dlt75Iv10d": 0.191296,
"dlt75Iv20d": 0.212173,
"dlt75Iv30d": 0.212207,
"dlt75Iv60d": 0.239729,
"dlt75Iv90d": 0.267796,
"dlt75Iv6m": 0.265297,
"dlt75Iv1y": 0.27136,
"exErnDlt75Iv10d": 0.191296,
"exErnDlt75Iv20d": 0.212173,
"exErnDlt75Iv30d": 0.212207,
"exErnDlt75Iv60d": 0.229566,
"exErnDlt75Iv90d": 0.236812,
"exErnDlt75Iv6m": 0.239162,
"exErnDlt75Iv1y": 0.240992,
"dlt95Iv10d": 0.217063,
"dlt95Iv20d": 0.240149,
"dlt95Iv30d": 0.242073,
"dlt95Iv60d": 0.273438,
"dlt95Iv90d": 0.302951,
"dlt95Iv6m": 0.323779,
"dlt95Iv1y": 0.349745,
"exErnDlt95Iv10d": 0.217063,
"exErnDlt95Iv20d": 0.240149,
"exErnDlt95Iv30d": 0.242073,
"exErnDlt95Iv60d": 0.263275,
"exErnDlt95Iv90d": 0.271967,
"exErnDlt95Iv6m": 0.297644,
"exErnDlt95Iv1y": 0.319377,
"fwd30_20": 0.187224,
"fwd60_30": 0.234582,
"fwd90_60": 0.282292,
"fwd180_90": 0.263771,
"fwd90_30": 0.259536,
"fexErn30_20": 0.187224,
"fexErn60_30": 0.215783,
"fexErn90_60": 0.21607,
"fexErn180_90": 0.241813,
"fexErn90_30": 0.215927,
"ffwd30_20": 0.184873,
"ffwd60_30": 0.270233,
"ffwd90_60": 0.351662,
"ffwd180_90": 0.283423,
"ffwd90_30": 0.305744,
"ffexErn30_20": 0.184873,
"ffexErn60_30": 0.235405,
"ffexErn90_60": 0.227656,
"ffexErn180_90": 0.26926,
"ffexErn90_30": 0.232192,
"fbfwd30_20": 0.987445,
"fbfwd60_30": 1.15198,
"fbfwd90_60": 1.24574,
"fbfwd180_90": 1.0745,
"fbfwd90_30": 1.17804,
"fbfexErn30_20": 0.987445,
"fbfexErn60_30": 1.09093,
"fbfexErn90_60": 1.05362,
"fbfexErn180_90": 1.11351,
"fbfexErn90_30": 1.07533,
"impliedEarningsMove": 0.0440891,
"updatedAt": "2019-11-29T17:46:01Z"
Core Data History
Retrieves end of day core history data.
Required attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The ticker to retrieve (multiple tickers should be comma delimited - max of 10 allowed). Optional if tradeDate is set. Ex: AAPL,TSLA
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The trade date to retrieve. Optional if ticker is set. Ex: 2019-11-29
Optional attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The fields to retrieve. Ex: tradeDate,slope,contango
curl -L "https://api.orats.io/datav2/hist/cores?token=my-token&ticker=AAPL&tradeDate=2019-11-29"
"data": [
"ticker": "AAPL",
"tradeDate": "2019-11-29",
"assetType": 3,
"priorCls": 267.84,
"pxAtmIv": 267.65,
"mktCap": 1189240,
"cVolu": 164999,
"cOi": 1831571,
"pVolu": 94247,
"pOi": 2030053,
"orFcst20d": 17.427,
"orIvFcst20d": 19.2787,
"orFcstInf": 28.97,
"orIvXern20d": 19.88,
"orIvXernInf": 23.19,
"iv200Ma": 22.68,
"atmIvM1": 19.4298,
"atmFitIvM1": 18.7732,
"atmFcstIvM1": 17.6772,
"dtExM1": 22,
"atmIvM2": 20.1687,
"atmFitIvM2": 20.0496,
"atmFcstIvM2": 20.2257,
"dtExM2": 50,
"atmIvM3": 23.8843,
"atmFitIvM3": 24.0163,
"atmFcstIvM3": 22.6817,
"dtExM3": 85,
"atmIvM4": 23.7352,
"atmFitIvM4": 23.6142,
"atmFcstIvM4": 23.3022,
"dtExM4": 113,
"iRate5wk": 1.61,
"iRateLt": 1.61,
"px1kGam": 5625.28,
"volOfVol": 0.0623,
"volOfIvol": 0.0511,
"slope": 3.0127,
"slopeInf": 3.21896,
"slopeFcst": 3.23128,
"slopeFcstInf": 3.32071,
"deriv": 0.1403,
"derivInf": 0.0797,
"derivFcst": 0.1363,
"derivFcstInf": 0.0858,
"mktWidthVol": 0.26345,
"mktWidthVolInf": 0.58333,
"cAddPrem": 0,
"pAddPrem": 0,
"rip": 3.16261,
"ivEarnReturn": 0,
"fcstR2": 0.3736,
"fcstR2Imp": 0.2809,
"hiHedge": 0,
"loHedge": 0,
"stkVolu": 23960324,
"avgOptVolu20d": 513798.5,
"sector": "XLK Electronic Computer Manufacturing42941",
"orHv1d": 14.07,
"orHv5d": 15.34,
"orHv10d": 15.32,
"orHv20d": 19.45,
"orHv60d": 20.3,
"orHv90d": 24.33,
"orHv120d": 22.76,
"orHv252d": 26.9,
"orHv500d": 26.27,
"orHv1000d": 23.61,
"clsHv5d": 14.42,
"clsHv10d": 14.36,
"clsHv20d": 15.88,
"clsHv60d": 19,
"clsHv90d": 24.38,
"clsHv120d": 22.82,
"clsHv252d": 28.68,
"clsHv500d": 27.47,
"clsHv1000d": 24.47,
"iv20d": 19.1,
"iv30d": 18.98,
"iv60d": 21.34,
"iv90d": 23.86,
"iv6m": 25.15,
"clsPx1w": 261.78,
"stkPxChng1wk": 2.31,
"clsPx1m": 243.26,
"stkPxChng1m": 10.43,
"clsPx6m": 175.07,
"stkPxChng6m": 54.03,
"clsPx1y": 179.55,
"stkPxChng1y": 51.41,
"divFreq": 4,
"divYield": 1.2,
"divGrwth": 0,
"divDate": "2020-02-06",
"divAmt": 0.77,
"nextErn": "0000-00-00",
"nextErnTod": 1630,
"lastErn": "2019-10-30",
"lastErnTod": 3,
"absAvgErnMv": 4.25533,
"impliedIee": 3.90671,
"daysToNextErn": 0,
"tkOver": 0,
"etfIncl": "",
"bestEtf": "XLK",
"sectorName": "Technology Hardware & Equipment",
"correlSpy1m": 0.14,
"correlSpy1y": 0.93,
"correlEtf1m": 0.36,
"correlEtf1y": 0.95,
"beta1m": 1.67,
"beta1y": 1.5,
"ivPctile1m": 62,
"ivPctile1y": 18,
"ivPctileSpy": 51,
"ivPctileEtf": 73,
"ivStdvMean": -0.7,
"ivStdv1y": 4.47,
"ivSpyRatio": 1.72,
"ivSpyRatioAvg1m": 1.72,
"ivSpyRatioAvg1y": 1.5,
"ivSpyRatioStdv1y": 6,
"ivEtfRatio": 1.31,
"ivEtfRatioAvg1m": 1.28,
"ivEtfRatioAvg1y": 1.09,
"ivEtFratioStdv1y": 5.14,
"ivHvXernRatio": 1.23,
"ivHvXernRatio1m": 1.12,
"ivHvXernRatio1y": 0.83,
"ivHvXernRatioStdv1y": 2.32,
"etfIvHvXernRatio": 0.79,
"etfIvHvXernRatio1m": 0.86,
"etfIvHvXernRatio1y": 0.94,
"etfIvHvXernRatioStdv1y": 0.06,
"slopepctile": 42.06,
"slopeavg1m": 2.86,
"slopeavg1y": 3.12,
"slopeStdv1y": 0.81,
"etfSlopeRatio": 0.46,
"etfSlopeRatioAvg1m": 0.43,
"etfSlopeRatioAvg1y": 0.47,
"etfSlopeRatioAvgStdv1y": 0.12,
"impliedR2": 0.4852,
"contango": 0.55,
"nextDiv": 0.77,
"impliedNextDiv": 0.4692,
"annActDiv": 3.1809,
"annIdiv": 2.1687,
"borrow30": 1.3048,
"borrow2yr": 1.3053,
"error": 0.0052,
"confidence": 98.2672,
"pxCls": 267.84,
"wksNextErn": 0,
"ernMnth": 0,
"oi": 3861624,
"straPxM1": 10.07,
"straPxM2": 15.92,
"smoothStraPxM1": 10.08,
"smoothStrPxM2": 15.88,
"fcstStraPxM1": 9.18,
"fcstStraPxM2": 15.93,
"loStrikeM1": 267.5,
"hiStrikeM1": 267.5,
"loStrikeM2": 270,
"hiStrikeM2": 270,
"ernDate1": "10/30/2019",
"ernDate2": "7/30/2019",
"ernDate3": "4/30/2019",
"ernDate4": "1/29/2019",
"ernDate5": "11/1/2018",
"ernDate6": "7/31/2018",
"ernDate7": "5/1/2018",
"ernDate8": "2/1/2018",
"ernDate9": "11/2/2017",
"ernDate10": "8/1/2017",
"ernDate11": "5/2/2017",
"ernDate12": "1/31/2017",
"ernMv1": 2.261,
"ernMv2": 2.0404,
"ernMv3": 4.9086,
"ernMv4": 6.8335,
"ernMv5": -6.6331,
"ernMv6": 5.891,
"ernMv7": 4.4176,
"ernMv8": -4.339,
"ernMv9": 2.6114,
"ernMv10": 4.7251,
"ernMv11": -0.3051,
"ernMv12": 6.0981,
"ernStraPct1": 5.8314,
"ernStraPct2": 5.328,
"ernStraPct3": 5.6526,
"ernStraPct4": 6.8304,
"ernStraPct5": 7.074,
"ernStraPct6": 5.2632,
"ernStraPct7": 5.9725,
"ernStraPct8": 6.49,
"ernStraPct9": 5.8054,
"ernStraPct10": 4.8463,
"ernStraPct11": 4.2426,
"ernStraPct12": 4.2901,
"ernEffct1": 1.7609,
"ernEffct2": 1.7325,
"ernEffct3": 2.1662,
"ernEffct4": 2.253,
"ernEffct5": 2.1018,
"ernEffct6": 2.248,
"ernEffct7": 1.9564,
"ernEffct8": 1.6666,
"ernEffct9": 1.1841,
"ernEffct10": 1.8609,
"ernEffct11": 1.157,
"ernEffct12": 2.8252,
"orHvXern5d": 15.34,
"orHvXern10d": 15.32,
"orHvXern20d": 16.11,
"orHvXern60d": 19.4,
"orHvXern90d": 23.59,
"orHvXern120d": 22.11,
"orHvXern252d": 26.2,
"orHvXern500d": 25.45,
"orHvXern1000d": 22.76,
"clsHvXern5d": 14.42,
"clsHvXern10d": 14.36,
"clsHvXern20d": 14.91,
"clsHvXern60d": 18.92,
"clsHvXern90d": 24.49,
"clsHvXern120d": 22.86,
"clsHvXern252d": 27.68,
"clsHvXern500d": 25.92,
"clsHvXern1000d": 22.65,
"iv10d": 17.3,
"iv1yr": 25.01,
"fcstSlope": 3.2313,
"fcstErnEffct": 1.6929,
"ernMvStdv": 1.9631,
"impliedEe": 3.9067,
"impErnMv": 6.99,
"impMth2ErnMv": 6.99,
"fairVol90d": 23.8843,
"fairXieeVol90d": 24.0163,
"fairMth2XieeVol90d": 19.9122,
"impErnMv90d": 3.24,
"impErnMvMth290d": 2.51,
"exErnIv10d": 17.3,
"exErnIv20d": 19.1,
"exErnIv30d": 18.98,
"exErnIv60d": 20.32,
"exErnIv90d": 20.76,
"exErnIv6m": 22.53,
"exErnIv1yr": 21.97,
"dlt5Iv10d": 17.91,
"dlt5Iv20d": 19.17,
"dlt5Iv30d": 19.11,
"dlt5Iv60d": 21,
"dlt5Iv90d": 22.71,
"dlt5Iv6m": 21.9,
"dlt5Iv1y": 22.66,
"exErnDlt5Iv10d": 17.91,
"exErnDlt5Iv20d": 19.17,
"exErnDlt5Iv30d": 19.11,
"exErnDlt5Iv60d": 19.99,
"exErnDlt5Iv90d": 19.61,
"exErnDlt5Iv6m": 19.29,
"exErnDlt5Iv1y": 19.62,
"dlt25Iv10d": 17.02,
"dlt25Iv20d": 18.53,
"dlt25Iv30d": 18.39,
"dlt25Iv60d": 20.45,
"dlt25Iv90d": 22.57,
"dlt25Iv6m": 24.18,
"dlt25Iv1y": 23.74,
"exErnDlt25Iv10d": 17.02,
"exErnDlt25Iv20d": 18.53,
"exErnDlt25Iv30d": 18.39,
"exErnDlt25Iv60d": 19.43,
"exErnDlt25Iv90d": 19.47,
"exErnDlt25Iv6m": 21.57,
"exErnDlt25Iv1y": 20.7,
"dlt75Iv10d": 19.13,
"dlt75Iv20d": 21.22,
"dlt75Iv30d": 21.22,
"dlt75Iv60d": 23.97,
"dlt75Iv90d": 26.78,
"dlt75Iv6m": 26.53,
"dlt75Iv1y": 27.14,
"exErnDlt75Iv10d": 19.13,
"exErnDlt75Iv20d": 21.22,
"exErnDlt75Iv30d": 21.22,
"exErnDlt75Iv60d": 22.96,
"exErnDlt75Iv90d": 23.68,
"exErnDlt75Iv6m": 23.92,
"exErnDlt75Iv1y": 24.1,
"dlt95Iv10d": 21.71,
"dlt95Iv20d": 24.01,
"dlt95Iv30d": 24.21,
"dlt95Iv60d": 27.34,
"dlt95Iv90d": 30.3,
"dlt95Iv6m": 32.38,
"dlt95Iv1y": 34.97,
"exErnDlt95Iv10d": 21.71,
"exErnDlt95Iv20d": 24.01,
"exErnDlt95Iv30d": 24.21,
"exErnDlt95Iv60d": 26.33,
"exErnDlt95Iv90d": 27.2,
"exErnDlt95Iv6m": 29.76,
"exErnDlt95Iv1y": 31.94,
"fwd30_20": 18.72,
"fwd60_30": 23.46,
"fwd90_60": 28.23,
"fwd180_90": 26.38,
"fwd90_30": 25.95,
"fexErn30_20": 18.72,
"fexErn60_30": 21.58,
"fexErn90_60": 21.61,
"fexErn180_90": 24.18,
"fexErn90_30": 21.59,
"ffwd30_20": 18.49,
"ffwd60_30": 27.02,
"ffwd90_60": 35.17,
"ffwd180_90": 28.34,
"ffwd90_30": 30.57,
"ffexErn30_20": 18.49,
"ffexErn60_30": 23.54,
"ffexErn90_60": 22.77,
"ffexErn180_90": 26.93,
"ffexErn90_30": 23.22,
"fbfwd30_20": 0.987445,
"fbfwd60_30": 1.15198,
"fbfwd90_60": 1.24574,
"fbfwd180_90": 1.0745,
"fbfwd90_30": 1.17804,
"fbfexErn30_20": 0.987445,
"fbfexErn60_30": 1.09093,
"fbfexErn90_60": 1.05362,
"fbfexErn180_90": 1.11351,
"fbfexErn90_30": 1.07533,
"impliedEarningsMove": 4.41,
"updatedAt": "2019-11-29T17:46:01Z"
Daily Price
Retrieves end of day daily stock price data.
Required attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The ticker to retrieve (multiple tickers should be comma delimited - max of 10 allowed). Optional if tradeDate is set. Ex: AAPL,TSLA
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The trade date to retrieve. Optional if ticker is set. Ex: 2019-11-29
Optional attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The fields to retrieve. Ex: tradeDate,clsPx,open
curl -L "https://api.orats.io/datav2/hist/dailies?token=my-token&ticker=AAPL&tradeDate=2019-11-29"
"data": [
"ticker": "AAPL",
"tradeDate": "2019-11-29",
"clsPx": 65.18,
"hiPx": 65.36,
"loPx": 64.85,
"open": 65.02,
"stockVolume": 47783092,
"unadjClsPx": 267.25,
"unadjHiPx": 268,
"unadjLoPx": 265.9,
"unadjOpen": 266.6,
"unadjStockVolume": 11654300,
"updatedAt": "2023-08-14T23:24:19Z"
Historical Volatility
Retrieves historical volatility data.
Required attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The ticker to retrieve (multiple tickers should be comma delimited - max of 10 allowed). Optional if tradeDate is set. Ex: AAPL,TSLA
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The trade date to retrieve. Optional if ticker is set. Ex: 2019-11-29
Optional attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The fields to retrieve. Ex: tradeDate,clsPx,open
curl -L "https://api.orats.io/datav2/hist/hvs?token=my-token&ticker=AAPL&tradeDate=2019-11-29"
"data": [
"ticker": "AAPL",
"tradeDate": "2019-11-29",
"orHv1d": 7.79,
"orHv5d": 14.92,
"orHv10d": 15.04,
"orHv20d": 15.8,
"orHv30d": 19.02,
"orHv60d": 20.13,
"orHv90d": 24.32,
"orHv100d": 23.61,
"orHv120d": 22.72,
"orHv252d": 26.72,
"orHv500d": 26.26,
"orHv1000d": 23.59,
"clsHv5d": 13.84,
"clsHv10d": 13.84,
"clsHv20d": 14.69,
"clsHv30d": 16.46,
"clsHv60d": 18.78,
"clsHv90d": 24.38,
"clsHv100d": 23.73,
"clsHv120d": 22.8,
"clsHv252d": 28.45,
"clsHv500d": 27.47,
"clsHv1000d": 24.44,
"orHvXern5d": 14.92,
"orHvXern10d": 15.04,
"orHvXern20d": 15.8,
"orHvXern30d": 16.86,
"orHvXern60d": 19.22,
"orHvXern90d": 23.58,
"orHvXern100d": 22.89,
"orHvXern120d": 22.07,
"orHvXern252d": 26.01,
"orHvXern500d": 25.44,
"orHvXern1000d": 22.74,
"clsHvXern5d": 13.84,
"clsHvXern10d": 13.84,
"clsHvXern20d": 14.69,
"clsHvXern30d": 16.06,
"clsHvXern60d": 18.68,
"clsHvXern90d": 24.49,
"clsHvXern100d": 23.8,
"clsHvXern120d": 22.83,
"clsHvXern252d": 27.42,
"clsHvXern500d": 25.92,
"clsHvXern1000d": 22.62,
"updatedAt": "2020-01-03T02:27:23Z"
Earnings History
Retrieves earnings history data.
Required attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The ticker to retrieve. Ex: AAPL
curl -L "https://api.orats.io/datav2/hist/earnings?token=my-token&ticker=AAPL"
"data": [
"ticker": "AAPL",
"earnDate": "1987-09-25",
"anncTod": "1630",
"updatedAt": "2018-01-12T17:31:59Z"
"ticker": "AAPL",
"earnDate": "1988-09-30",
"anncTod": "1630",
"updatedAt": "2018-01-12T17:31:59Z"
"ticker": "AAPL",
"earnDate": "1989-09-29",
"anncTod": "1630",
"updatedAt": "2018-01-12T17:31:59Z"
Stock Split History
Retrieves stock split history data.
Required attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The ticker to retrieve. Ex: AAPL
curl -L "https://api.orats.io/datav2/hist/splits?token=my-token&ticker=AAPL"
"data": [
"ticker": "AAPL",
"splitDate": "2014-06-09",
"divisor": 7
"ticker": "AAPL",
"splitDate": "2020-08-31",
"divisor": 4
IV Rank History
Retrieves IV rank history data.
Required attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The ticker to retrieve (multiple tickers should be comma delimited - max of 10 allowed). Optional if tradeDate is set. Ex: AAPL,TSLA
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The trade date to retrieve. Optional if ticker is set. Ex: 2019-11-29
Optional attributes
- Name
- Type
- string
- Description
The fields to retrieve. Ex: tradeDate,ivRank1m
curl -L "https://api.orats.io/datav2/hist/ivrank?token=my-token&ticker=AAPL&tradeDate=2021-01-20"
"data": [
"ticker": "AAPL",
"tradeDate": "2021-01-20",
"iv": 36.195,
"ivRank1m": 56.44,
"ivPct1m": 66.67,
"ivRank1y": 27.62,
"ivPct1y": 60.71,
"updatedAt": "2021-01-21T01:09:52Z"